One effective way to make a positive difference in your community is by volunteering your time or skills. By dedicating a few hours each week or month, you can significantly impact our programs and outcomes. Volunteering helps support those in need and fosters community connections among individuals with shared goals.
Financial contributions play a vital role in supporting our program and ensuring its continued success. These donations enable us to provide critical resources and assistance to those in need. We invite you to consider making a contribution, no matter the size, to help us expand our reach and enable us to assist even more individuals in our community. Your support can significantly increase our impact and make a lasting difference in the lives of many. Together, we can create positive change and foster a brighter future for everyone we serve.
We would greatly appreciate your help in promoting our programs on Facebook! By sharing our posts and information within your network, you can play a vital role in increasing awareness and engagement. Stay connected with us and encourage your friends to join in the conversation, so we can all work together to spread the word and make a positive impact in our community.
When you give money to support the work of Catholic Charities of Oswego County you are helping to feed the hungry in Oswego County including hungry children. You are helping provide basic needs like clothing, hygiene items, housing, medication, heat and more. We cannot do our work without people like you who give to support those in need in their community. We are grateful for all who support us. No amount is too small or too large. Please consider giving today by contacting us directly or by clicking on the Donate Today button on the top of the page.