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Parent Education

The Parent Education Program (PE) is a voluntary program that provides in-home parenting education and skill building techniques for families at risk of losing their children to foster care or are in the process of reuniting with their children.

Reach Out 

Learn more about our parenting classes and support opportunities or register for the next session. 

Tools to Support Your Family

The primary goal of our Parenting Education service is to provide parents with the tools to strengthen and improve on their parenting practices in the following areas:

A woman and a child are sitting on the floor writing on a piece of paper.
A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Child well-being and safety

  • Learn and build skills to ensure that your home is safe and that your own needs as well as that of your child's can be met. 
A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Interpersonal and social communication.

  • Improve communication and social interaction skills.
A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Family interaction and self-sufficiency

  • Build strategies to help you navigate stress and conflict.
A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Daily Living Skills

  • Skills for everyday living may encompass, among other things, budgeting and scheduling/maintaining appointments.
A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Parenting Skills

  • Parenting skills encompass various aspects such as age-appropriate discipline, expectations, supervision, hygiene, and nutrition.

How It Works

Each program is customized to fit your unique family needs

A black and white drawing of a telephone on a white background.


Referrals for the PE program are received by DSS and Liberty Resources.


Referrals must have an open Preventive Services case

A black and white drawing of a clock with an arrow pointing to the right.

Unique to Your Family

Parent Educators will meet a minimum of 1 hour and up to a maximum of 8 hours per week; the need is determined through client assessments and case worker goals.

The length of time in the program varies by need.

A magnifying glass with a building in the middle of it.

Build skills and tools for long-term success.

Further develop parenting skills through our Circle of Security Program.


Have a question about our community services program?  Reach out to our team. 

Program Supervisor

Brittany Dinelli

(315) 598-3980 ext. 266

Donations Needed

Donate Today


Monday - Friday

8:00 am– 4:00 pm

Support Our Programs

We cannot do what we do without the support of our community.  Consider donating today, becoming a partner, becoming a mentor or volunteering your time to serve Oswego County community members.

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